Monday, April 15, 2013

1.  Identify, define, and give an example of the 6 criteria of newsworthiness.

Criteria 1: Unusualness
Definition:it is different or unusual in bad news
Example airplane crashes

Criteria 2: significance
Definition: important things that many people think about
Example: tax evasion

Criteria 3: timeliness
Definition: needs to be new
Example: when a flood is happening not when it is done

Criteria 4: Proximity
Definition: needs yo be nearby not far
Example: local school or building

Criteria 5: Prominence
Definition: well known people or buildings
Example: movie star president

Criteria 6: Human intsrest
Definition: emotional or human like emotions
Example: kids and animals, funny

2. On page 23 it discusses the differences between print journalism and broadcast journlism.  Please describe 3 ways they are different and explain.  newspapers are more info but tv and broadcast is faster and more entertaining also in papers you can choose what to know significant lots of people use that highway

3.  List all the criteria the story we watched at the beginning of class fits under and why.
human intrest for the pigs and the fun timeliness it happened today prominence a well known highway proximity close city unusualness it is weird
4.  List all the criteria the 2nd story we watched fits under and why.
human interst emotions and a watch dog for the blind dog and deaf other dog timeleness happend soon and proximity not far away
 5.  List all the criteria the 3rd story we watched fits under and why.
 prominence famous people timeliness and how it happened recently human interest because of its comical value and significance for the celebs we all know.

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