Wednesday, April 24, 2013

solar power vid

1.  What is the focus statement of this story?
man giddy with solar power
2.  Give examples of W-M-T sequences
in the begging they did wide of building to medium of the office and then close on the roof and the published books.
3.  Give examples of The Rule of Thirds
always has them within the lines and the corners good filming
4.  Give examples of Eyes on Third
during each close up he has his eyes on the line
5.  Give examples of Talking Space
always has room on which ever side he was looking
6.  What did you like about story?
that it was fun and cool to see all the electric power and the close up of them. also reflecting shot threw the mirror.

Monday, April 22, 2013


rule of thirds: a grid which shows the places to film

Thursday, April 18, 2013

1.  What is a Focus Statement?  Define
a statement that gives you a central idea.
2.  Why do we need a Focus Statement?
it gives us a focus on a certain thing /person. also lets us stay on task.
3.  Give an example of a Focus Statement sentence.
girls making their homecoming dresses
4.  Give an example of a Focus Statement in 3 words: (Subject-Verb-Object)
girls make dresses

5.  What are the 6 Essential Equipment items you need with you when shooting an interview?
tripod, camera , microphone, batteries ,media ,headphones

6.  Why is a tripod important? 
it keeps it completely still
7.  The Tripod is my / freind/

8.  Define:  Pan
moving the shot left and right
9.  Define:  Tilt
moving the shot up and down
10.  Why are headphones important?  
so you can listen to the recording audio

to make it work when you need it because you cant re-shoot sometimes nor do you want to.

12.  Define Wide shot:
a shot that takes in a lot of space overall feel

13.  Why do we need a wide shot?
they help us understand the environment

14.  Define Medium shot:
a shot that takes up space but not as much  adds detail
15.  Why do we need a medium shot?
adds more detail and info

16.  Define a tight shot.
a close up if you will of an object or person. lots of detail
17.  Why do we need a tight shot?
useful in the way of the detail is very good.
18.  What is a sequence?
series of connected shots to make scenes.
19.  Why do we need a sequence?
they give us more understanding on scenes.

Monday, April 15, 2013

1.  Identify, define, and give an example of the 6 criteria of newsworthiness.

Criteria 1: Unusualness
Definition:it is different or unusual in bad news
Example airplane crashes

Criteria 2: significance
Definition: important things that many people think about
Example: tax evasion

Criteria 3: timeliness
Definition: needs to be new
Example: when a flood is happening not when it is done

Criteria 4: Proximity
Definition: needs yo be nearby not far
Example: local school or building

Criteria 5: Prominence
Definition: well known people or buildings
Example: movie star president

Criteria 6: Human intsrest
Definition: emotional or human like emotions
Example: kids and animals, funny

2. On page 23 it discusses the differences between print journalism and broadcast journlism.  Please describe 3 ways they are different and explain.  newspapers are more info but tv and broadcast is faster and more entertaining also in papers you can choose what to know significant lots of people use that highway

3.  List all the criteria the story we watched at the beginning of class fits under and why.
human intrest for the pigs and the fun timeliness it happened today prominence a well known highway proximity close city unusualness it is weird
4.  List all the criteria the 2nd story we watched fits under and why.
human interst emotions and a watch dog for the blind dog and deaf other dog timeleness happend soon and proximity not far away
 5.  List all the criteria the 3rd story we watched fits under and why.
 prominence famous people timeliness and how it happened recently human interest because of its comical value and significance for the celebs we all know.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

interview sum

classmate story                                                                                                   Andrew Ohmann P.1
                                                      Focus: resilient to let things pass bye.
Heart surgery can it make your life pass bye? Well in this young woman Marissa that would not be the case she had open heart surgery in her younger years and has preserved her life to get to where she is now. she says here that "going to heart camp and keeping my heart rate down" she has made it. She has a successful life right Living in Apple Valley MN and working at her job at cub hanging with friends and study broadcasting even though it was just for a requirement. She went to heart camp when young and has the opportunity to meet, live and enjoy wonderful peoples company and help them get to now her and her wonderful heart. And now even though she has seen enough heart issues to kill the cat she still persists saying this "I want to become an echo cardiographer (ultrasounds for the heart)" wanting to continue on with her life story bringing joy and helping others with this problem of the heart. To me and many others this story has helped us understand the problems of the heart just a little bit more and to get to know Marissa a hero among us.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Interview of a classmate

What is the life of you for a day?
Get up and get ready works at cub
Has anything shaped you?
Open heart surge
Any events that have happened to you?
Heart problems bad
Any events that have happened to anyone you know?
Heart camp
What inspired you to take this class?
Wanted to learn and had to
What do you intend to do in your life?
Wants to be an echocardiographer(ultrasonuds for the heart)
What hobbies do you do?
Flute use to
Have you ever done something you are proud of?
Joined this class
What is your opinion on the direction America is going?
What is your life like?